Curbside logo

As its name suggests, the Curbside legend was born on the street, with chef/owner Nick Hufft slinging burgers and fries to throngs of college customers in need of late-night sustenance. Only this wasn’t cheap, greasy food. He actually cared about the ingredients and technique that went into his fare — and TILT has been there from the early days, creating the original truck design and identity work. Fast-forward a few years, and when Curbside — now a culinary cult around these parts — decided to invest in a real brick-and-mortar establishment, TILT took on the challenge of designing and branding essentially every customer touchpoint, from exterior signage down to the pick that pins these nothing-like-‘em burgers together.

Curbside logo and icons
Curbside icons
Curbside signage
Angry Pickles
Curbside shirt wrapper

TILT has literally been there from the beginning when we were just a simple food truck roaming the streets of BR. Its felt like a passion project for them from day one, and they continue to deeply care about every aspect of our brand. They've exceeded every expectation!"

Nick Hufft

Owner, Curbside

Curbside social images
Curbside social images

